
April and infant son walked out of the hole in the Pentagon

April Gallop and William Rodriguez

September 18, 2008

Alex Jones talked with April Gallop, Administrative Specialist, U.S. Army– Pentagon survivor. April suffered major injuries in the attack on the Pentagon, resulting in partial disability and medical discharge from the Army. Two-month old Elisha suffered head injuries causing hearing loss and developmental delays.

Listen > 00:37:15

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Interview 7/14/06:


Do you have any theory about how a Boeing 757 could have hit such a secure building without any anti-aircraft defenses being activated or any warning alarms sounded?


I have thought about this very question numerous times. And then I realized I needed to rephrase the question. The real question is what is the probability or likelihood that no anti-aircraft defense, warning alarms or additional security mechanism functioned on that particular day?

And then we need to think how likely is it then there was a glitch in all the security mechanisms, anti-aircraft defense and warning alarms?

You know, it takes a while to get around that building. And I remember being so disgusted at the frequency of random drill exercises taking place for us to evacuate the building. It seemed as if they always happened when I had to take care of certain things.

Yet on September 11th, the day when our lives were threatened, not one alarm. …


I know that you have previously been quoted about things like thinking that a bomb had exploded in the Pentagon, and that you did not see any plane debris in the Pentagon. I do not want to misquote you or twist your words. Is there anything you wish to state about these topics?


I have been misquoted on numerous occasions. That happens when individuals have ulterior motives. But here is my statement for the record.

I was located at the E ring. From my inside perspective, with no knowledge of what had actually happened on the outside, it did sound like a bomb. And we had to escape the building before the floors, debris etc collapsed on us.

And I don’t recall at any time seeing any plane debris. Again, I don’t know what plane debris would look like after hitting a building. But I would have recalled unusual looking pieces similar to plane parts.

… I was focusing on getting help and getting out. With that in mind, the images are etched in my mind. When I review the pictures regarding the Boeing, in my opinion, the hole didn’t appear to be big enough for the 757. I don’t know the scientific theory that was created to justify it being a hole created by a 757. What we need to consider is how did the plane go thru the building with all that heat and not burn us (those on the inside) to a crisp? We need to consider, how did the plane break up so to the point it created a perfectly round hole considering the rate of impact?

I didn’t know it was a plane until I was informed at the hospital. If I wasn’t informed I would have never believed it. I walked through that place to try to get out before everything collapsed on us . . . surely we should have seen something.”



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