
Caller gets it right about TSA’s Secure Flight Program

Tom Blank

October 23, 2010

Caller educates Tom Blank, Head of the Transportation Security Administration’s Secure Flight Program which is scheduled to take effect on November 1, 2010.

Direct link to mp3 file:

Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
In the United States today, the phrase `conspiracy theory’ functions as a sort of giant cudgel, used to scare us out of talking openly about a broad (and ever-growing) range of scandals that the powerful cannot afford to let the people comprehend. In this new book, David Ray Griffin takes devastating aim at that repressive tactic, exposing it for what it really is. All those who cherish democracy, and intellectual freedom, owe it to themselves to read this brave analysis—and owe its author their sincerest thanks.

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