
Michele Bachmann campaign funds pay for this?

Don't Betray Israel?

June 3, 2011

Someone gives money to Bachmann and its used to promote a pro-Israel campaign that is trying to influence Obama on a policy issue?

Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Vol. 1: The False Messiah
In this extraordinary book, Alan Hart has succeeded in elucidating for us the immediate and long term dangers involved in the unconditional Western support for Zionism and its oppressive policies against the Palestinians.

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  1. Giddy said, on July 2, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    While many Americans understand that AIPAC virtually controls congress, I think that Ms. Bachmann has brought things to a new low. How can we possibly celebrate The Fourth Of July when we are STILL OCCUPIED by a FOREIGN country? Let’s throw AIPAC out of Washington and declare our INDEPENDENCE once again!

    It’s time for Americans to wake up and question why AIPAC Stooges like Bachmann spend so much time working for the best interests of a FOREIGN country, while we have so many major problems right here at home. I expect my elected officials to work on legislation that is in the best interests of the UNITED STATES, NOT ISRAEL!

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