
Airline whistle blower solves 9/11

Posted in Uncategorized by radiodujour on February 21, 2015

Airline whistle blower solves 9/11

Airline Whistle Blower Solves 9/11

Rebekah Roth’s novel Methodical Illusion incorporates her observations as an airline employee who knew from the get-go that 9/11 was a fraud:

I returned home on a flight from Rome where I was the purser for a major airline not many hours before the news of 9/11 hit. I had been a flight attendant for 28 years at the time and awoke to see a plane fly into the south tower of the World Trade Center. I may have been groggy, jet lagged and generally out of sorts, but I knew from training and experience that airplanes do not fly through buildings. Over the next 72 hours I remained glued to the television watching and listening in disbelief at what I saw and heard. Every flight attendant knew in 2001 that cell phones did not work at altitude. Flight attendants attempting to report that their plane was being hijacked would never call reservations or operations. That would be like calling Hertz to get your car repaired.

Airline Whistle Blower Solves 9/11 (TruthJihadRadio)
Methodical Illusion
by Rebekah Roth (Author)

Methodical Illusion

The glamorous life of an international flight attendant can be anything but, as Vera Hanson discovered the morning one of her crew members was found murdered in a Paris hotel room. That morning began to put into focus some of the experiences of Vera’s thirty year airline career, which she had purposely been avoiding. It caused her to look more deeply into the questions surrounding 9/11 that never made sense to a flight attendant, but that no one had seriously investigated. With the help of her pilot friend Jim Bowman, they embark on a cross country journey employing their wisdom, experience and intense research to uncover the mysteries of what really happened to the four airplanes and the people on them that fateful day. Written as a novel, Methodical Illusion has been excruciatingly researched from an insider’s perspective, utilizing proprietary knowledge of airplanes, universal FAA protocols, standardized fight crew procedures and all hijacking policies. The results are the never before revealed answers to the daunting questions everyone has had, but few had dared ask aloud for fear of the repercussions that undoubtedly follow. Rebekah Roth is right on target with her mind blowing research which is guaranteed to open your eyes.

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